General Guidelines
- Enter your selection criteria in the same format as the examples (dates, department codes). The screenshots used in the instructions for each report represent examples of commonly used fields.
- Click the Valid Values button to choose your criteria or check the formatting of the field.
- Be sure to use CAPS when entering the selection data.
- HRMS IUIE information begins with the 2003 tax year.
- If a field can contain wildcards, a "Wildcards Allowed" link will display to the right of the field. Click the link to view wildcard information in the IU Knowledge Base.
- Information in the IUIE is one business day old unless noted otherwise.
- Separate multiple entries in a field with a comma (no spaces).
Remember: You have signed compliance forms agreeing that you will not share payroll information. If you receive a request and are unsure of how to proceed, contact UCO Customer Service.
Query List
Access any of the queries listed below by following this path in IUIE: Master Catalog > Departmental Reporting > Payroll Reports-Departmental
Your IUIE security access is the same as your payroll voucher access. You are only able to run queries on employees in your department.
- Active Contract Pay Summary - New - Dept Access: Lists all activity for contract employees including job, contract, additional pay and paycheck data.
- Additional Pay Detail - Dept: Create a list of all additional pay records for specific departments, specific dates, and specific earn codes (or reasons) for employees with active jobs.
- Employee List of Positions: This query can be used to create a list of any combination of your active employees.
- Fiscal Approvers/Officer Voucher Report Datagroup: This datagroup will allow you to enter specific selection criteria to produce the same results as the Fiscal Approvers’ Voucher Audit Report.
- HRMS Departmental Security: You can run this query to monitor who has access to payroll information in your department.
- Job Action Activity - Departmental: You can run this query to view job actions for specific departments and dates.
- Labor Ledger - Actuals Only: This query provides details of the payroll transactions (actuals) written to the Labor Ledger in KFS.
- Labor Ledger Empl Summary w Fringes: Provides detailed wage and fringe per ID per earn code from the Labor Ledger file in KFS out of the payroll.
- Labor Ledger Summary by Person: This query will produce total comp amount for specific departments and employees based on FY or specific pay end dates out of KFS.
- Last Paycheck Data by Empl Rcd: This query will produce a list of employees that have not been paid based on the date you enter. You can use this information to terminate employees that haven’t worked for a period of time in your department. It’s most useful for finding hourly employees or those on contract pay that are no longer receiving pay.
- Leave Balances - Dept Access: Use this query to generate a list of an employee's leave balances by pay period end date.
- Paycheck Earn Code Detail - Dept Access: This query will produce a spreadsheet of detail information from paycheck data for your employees based on the selection criteria you enter including specific payrolls, earn codes, or calendar years.
- Paycheck Employee Hours - Dept Access: This query can be used to create a detailed spreadsheet of paycheck information for a specific ID or your department based on the selection criteria you enter.
- Paycheck No Pay Earn Code Detail: Use this query to produce a list of employees with timesheets containing earn codes that do not pay.
- Payroll Adjustment Voucher Details: This query will produce a spreadsheet of all adjustment voucher details for specific departments, accounts, or users.
- Payroll Hours Balance BW1 Summary: This query produces a list of BW staff employees and their attendance balances for specific pay period end dates.
- Payroll Hours Balance BWP Summary: This query produces a list of BWP (PAO/PAU) staff employees and their attendance balances for specific pay period end dates.
- Voucher Details - Departmental: This query provides hours and amounts by earn code by employee on current vouchers.
- Work Study Limit of Earnings: This query produces a list of job and limit information for Work Study students.